
The need to have more representation of female jazz instrumentalists performing at the Monterey Jazz Festival held annually in California is long overdue. Coming up this September, the festival has made a nice move to host both trumpeter Ingrid Jenson and saxophonist Tia Fuller as the co-leaders for the event. 

However...and it's a BIG 'however'....
Once again, there are barely any other female jazz instrumentalists headlining AT ALL!!! The petition is launched AGAIN this year aimed at TIM JACKSON who is THE point person for the decisions made for selecting the artists each year. Each year the big headliners in the largest arena there (the Jimmy Lyons Arena) are male with few exceptions, and the female talent is reflected - ONCE AGAIN - in the VOCAL talent area.

Please sign this petition as we rev up towards September and keep the pressure ON Tim Jackson to WAKE THE HELL UP and let jazz grow!!